"The people that walked in darkness will see a great light," said the prophet Isaiah, and "they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined." We call prophecies like these prophecies of redemption.
To sum up: The children of Israel lived happily under King David. But later on when Hermes Evelyne knockOff their prophets began to proclaim that there would one day come a new king of the Discount Hermes Evelyne House of David. This "Messiah," or "Son of God," would "redeem" the people, restore Israel to greatness, Hermes Birkin wholesale "Kingdom of God." Jesus I assume you are still with me, Sophie?
The key words are "Messiah," "Son of God," and "Kingdom of God." At first Hermes Birkin Offer "Son of God," and "Kingdom of God." Hermes Kelly Review taken politically. In the time of Jesus, there were a lot of people who imagined that there High Quality Hermes Birkin new "Messiah" in the sense of a political, military, and religious leader of the caliber of King David.